Proca.Confirm.Operation behaviour (proca v3.4.1)
Each confirmable operation works a bit differently, so modules in Proca.Confirm.* implement the spefics. Thye fallow this behaviour.
Link to this section Summary
Return name of email template used in notification about this confirmable operation
Return map of fields used in notification about this confirmable operation (email or event)
Select the module implementing behaviour for operation op
Run the operation, after it is accepted (verb = :confirm) or rejected (verb = :reject). auth contains current Proca.Auth context.
Link to this section Callbacks
email_template(%Proca.Confirm{ __meta__: term(), charges: term(), code: term(), creator: term(), creator_id: term(), email: term(), id: term(), inserted_at: term(), message: term(), object_id: term(), operation: term(), subject_id: term(), updated_at: term() }) :: String.t()
Return name of email template used in notification about this confirmable operation
notify_fields(%Proca.Confirm{ __meta__: term(), charges: term(), code: term(), creator: term(), creator_id: term(), email: term(), id: term(), inserted_at: term(), message: term(), object_id: term(), operation: term(), subject_id: term(), updated_at: term() }) :: map()
Return map of fields used in notification about this confirmable operation (email or event)
run(%Proca.Confirm{}, arg2, atom)
run( %Proca.Confirm{ __meta__: term(), charges: term(), code: term(), creator: term(), creator_id: term(), email: term(), id: term(), inserted_at: term(), message: term(), object_id: term(), operation: term(), subject_id: term(), updated_at: term() }, :confirm | :reject, Proca.Auth ) :: :ok | {:ok, %Proca.ActionPage{ __meta__: term(), campaign: term(), campaign_id: term(), config: term(), delivery: term(), extra_supporters: term(), id: term(), inserted_at: term(), live: term(), locale: term(), name: term(), org: term(), org_id: term(), supporter_confirm_template: term(), thank_you_template: term(), updated_at: term() }} | {:ok, %Proca.Campaign{ __meta__: term(), action_pages: term(), config: term(), contact_schema: term(), external_id: term(), force_delivery: term(), id: term(), inserted_at: term(), mtt: term(), name: term(), org: term(), org_id: term(), public_actions: term(), targets: term(), title: term(), transient_actions: term(), updated_at: term() }}
Link to this section Functions
Select the module implementing behaviour for operation op
run(cnf, verb, auth)
Run the operation, after it is accepted (verb = :confirm) or rejected (verb = :reject). auth contains current Proca.Auth context.