Proca.Contact.Data protocol (proca v3.4.1)

Defines different styles of personal data that are stored in Contact.

Link to this section Summary


Accepts (virtual) data changeset, and action page. Returns contact changeset and fingerprint

Link to this section Types


t() :: term()

Link to this section Functions


fingerprint(t()) :: binary()
Link to this function

to_contact(data, action_page)


to_contact(t(), %Proca.ActionPage{
  __meta__: term(),
  campaign: term(),
  campaign_id: term(),
  config: term(),
  delivery: term(),
  extra_supporters: term(),
  id: term(),
  inserted_at: term(),
  live: term(),
  locale: term(),
  name: term(),
  org: term(),
  org_id: term(),
  supporter_confirm_template: term(),
  thank_you_template: term(),
  updated_at: term()
}) ::
    __meta__: term(),
    communication_consent: term(),
    communication_scopes: term(),
    crypto_nonce: term(),
    delivery_consent: term(),
    id: term(),
    inserted_at: term(),
    org: term(),
    org_id: term(),
    payload: term(),
    public_key: term(),
    public_key_id: term(),
    sign_key: term(),
    sign_key_id: term(),
    supporter: term(),
    supporter_id: term(),
    updated_at: term()

Accepts (virtual) data changeset, and action page. Returns contact changeset and fingerprint