Proca.PublicKey (proca v3.4.1)

Keypair for encyrption of personal data

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activate_for(org, id)


activate_for(Proca.Org, integer()) :: Ecto.Multi
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  __meta__: term(),
  action_pages: term(),
  action_schema_version: term(),
  campaigns: term(),
  config: term(),
  contact_schema: term(),
  custom_action_confirm: term(),
  custom_action_deliver: term(),
  custom_event_deliver: term(),
  custom_supporter_confirm: term(),
  detail_backend: term(),
  detail_backend_id: term(),
  doi_thank_you: term(),
  email_backend: term(),
  email_backend_id: term(),
  email_from: term(),
  event_backend: term(),
  event_backend_id: term(),
  high_security: term(),
  id: term(),
  inserted_at: term(),
  name: term(),
  public_keys: term(),
  push_backend: term(),
  push_backend_id: term(),
  services: term(),
  staffers: term(),
  storage_backend: term(),
  storage_backend_id: term(),
  supporter_confirm: term(),
  supporter_confirm_template: term(),
  title: term(),
  updated_at: term()
}) ::
    __meta__: term(),
    active: term(),
    expired: term(),
    id: term(),
    inserted_at: term(),
    name: term(),
    org: term(),
    org_id: term(),
    private: term(),
    public: term(),
    updated_at: term()
  | nil
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active_keys(preload \\ [])

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all(query, list)

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build_for(org, name \\ "generated")

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filter(query, criteria)

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import_private_for(org, private, name \\ "imported")

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import_public_for(org, public, name \\ "imported")

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validate_bit_size(ch, field, size)