Proca.Service (proca v3.4.1)

Service belong to Org and are hostnames, paths and credentials to external services that you can configure.

Service concept in Proca Server

Every organisation can own a set of services, and each service type has a name. A service record represents API access. Currently names are:

  • ses - AWS SES
  • sqs - AWS SQS
  • mailjet - Mailjet Email
  • smtp - SMTP Email
  • wordpress - Wordpress site with API (unused)
  • stripe - Stripe donation API
  • test_stripe - Stripe donation API for test actions
  • testmail - mock email backend used in tests
  • webhook - a HTTP POST json API
  • supabase - Supabase API (for storage)
  • testdetail - mock detail service API

An org can have more then one of particular service type (same name), with different ids. Warning: Proca CLI and API lets you manipulate services by name, and so you cannot use it to distinguish between for example two webhook services. Sorry! However, this was only needed for very complex setups, and we did not want to overcomplicate.

Using services

Each service can be used in a stage of processing, by a particular worker, or in other internal service such as MTT sender. As a special case, an org can use SYSTEM service which will borrow a service used by instance org, for that particular function.

A service must be assigned to some usage/function, it is not enough that org owns it. Here is a list of backends:

Not all services support all usages, of course.

  • emailBackend - Send emails to supporters and MTTs through this API. Works with: ses, mailjet, smtp, testmail
  • detailBackend - Fetch/lookup member details from this service. Works with: webhook
  • storageBackend - Fetch files (attachments to MTT). Works with: supabase
  • pushBackend - Deliver action data. Works with: sqs, webhook
  • eventBackend - Deliver events data (See Proca.Stage.Event). Works with: sqs, webhook

Proca will dynamically start and stop workers that perform particular function, when the service will be attached or removed from that function. Eg. proca service:email -N to stop worker that sends supporter emails, do proca service:email -n mailjet to attach mailjet service as email backend and start the worker again.

Data in service record

Service record has to represent all kinds of APIs, so it defines "generic" fields:

  • name (the service type mentioned above)
  • host - a host or url
  • user - user name
  • password - user pass or API key
  • path - an extra string pointing to the resource

For each service type, these are taken as follows:

  1. sqs and ses
  • host - contains AWS region
  • user - contains account id
  • password - contains account secret
  1. mailjet
  • user - contains account id
  • password - contains account secret
  1. smtp
  • host - smtp server in url form, eg ssl:// or tls://
  • user - auth username
  • password - auth password
  1. supabase
  • host - url to Supabase instance
  • password - API key
  1. webhook
  • host - url of webhook
  • user and password - use HTTP Basic Auth with these
  • password - put this into Authorization header. (Remember to put Beaerer 123 into password if you need it. The word "Bearer" will not be added)

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

all(query, list)

Link to this function

aws_request(req, srv)

Link to this function

aws_request(req, name, org)

Link to this function

build_for_org(attrs, org, service)

Link to this function

changeset(service, attrs)

Link to this function

fetch_file(service, key)

Link to this function

fetch_files(org, keys)

Link to this function

json_request(srv, url, opts)

Generic JSON request.


- when data is returned {:ok, code} - for other ok code with no data

Link to this function

request(method, url, body, headers, http_opts)

Implement above behavuiour for ExAws library