Proca.Org (proca v3.4.1)

Represents an organisation in Proca. Org can have many Proca.Staffers, Proca.Services, Proca.Campaigns and Proca.ActionPage's.

Org can have one or more PublicKey's. Only one of them is active at a particular time. Others are expired.

Org fields define how services are used (as which backends):

  • event_backend - where to send events (See Proca.Stage.Event)
  • email_backend - where to send emails
  • detail_backend - where to fetch supporter detail from
  • storage_backend - where to store files (attached to actions)
  • push_backend - where to push action data

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The code you provided defines a function called cast_backend in the Elixir programming language. This function takes five arguments: chset, backend_type, allow_list, params, and org.

The code you provided defines a function called changeset in the Elixir programming language.

The code you provided defines a function called delete in the Elixir programming language. This function takes one argument, org, which represents an organization.

The code you provided defines a function called get_by_name in the Elixir programming language. This function takes two arguments: name and preload, with preload being an optional argument that defaults to an empty list.

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active_public_keys([Proca.PublicKey]) :: [Proca.PublicKey]
active_public_keys(Proca.Org) :: Proca.PublicKey | nil
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all(query, list)

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cast_backend(chset, backend_type, allow_list, params, org)

The code you provided defines a function called cast_backend in the Elixir programming language. This function takes five arguments: chset, backend_type, allow_list, params, and org.

Here's a breakdown of what the code does:

  1. The function checks if the params map has a key that matches the backend_type.
  • If the backend_type key is present in the params map, the code proceeds to execute the case expression.
  • If the backend_type key is not present, the function simply returns the unchanged chset argument.
  1. Inside the case expression, the function calls the cast_backend_service function with the backend_type key and the corresponding value from the params map. The cast_backend_service function is likely a custom function defined elsewhere and its purpose is not shown in the provided code snippet. It presumably performs some processing specific to the backend service.

  2. Based on the result of the cast_backend_service function, the code executes one of three possible branches:

  • If the result is nil, meaning no such service was found, an error is added to the changeset (chset) using the add_error function.
  • If the result is a map with keys :id and :name, the code checks if the name is a member of the allow_list. If it is, the changeset is updated by putting a change to the chset with the backend ID based on the backend_type. Otherwise, an error is added to the changeset.
  • If the result is :disable, the changeset is updated by putting a change to the chset with the backend ID based on the backend_type set to nil.
  1. After executing one of the branches, the resulting changeset is returned.
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changeset(org, attrs)

The code you provided defines a function called changeset in the Elixir programming language.

This function takes two arguments, org and attrs. It performs a series of operations to build a changeset for the org struct, which can be used for inserting or updating data in a database.

Here's a breakdown of what the code does:

  1. The code uses the Elixir pipe operator (|>) to pass the org struct through a series of transformations.

  2. The cast function is used to update fields of the org struct based on the provided attributes. It takes the org struct, a list of field names to update, and the attrs map. Any fields that are not included in the list are ignored.

  3. The cast_backend function is used multiple times to update backend settings based on the provided attributes. It takes a field name, a list of allowed values for that field, the attrs map, and the org struct. It updates the backend field if the corresponding field in attrs matches one of the allowed values.

  4. The validate_required function is called with a list of required field names (:name and :title) to ensure they are present in the org struct.

  5. The validate_format function is used to validate that the :name field matches the regular expression pattern ~r/^[[:alnum:]_-]+$/, which allows only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens.

  6. The unique_constraint function is used to add a unique constraint validation on the :name field.

  7. The Proca.Contact.Input.validate_email function is used to validate the format of the :email_from field.

  8. The Proca.Service.EmailTemplate.validate_exists function is used to validate that the :supporter_confirm_template field references an existing email template.

Finally, the resulting changeset is returned by the function. This changeset represents the updates that can be applied to the org struct in the database.

The code you provided defines a function called delete in the Elixir programming language. This function takes one argument, org, which represents an organization.

Here's a breakdown of what the code does:

  1. The code uses the Elixir pipe operator (|>) to pass the org argument through a series of transformations.

  2. The change function is called with the org argument. This function is likely a custom function defined elsewhere and its purpose is not shown in the provided code snippet. It could perform any necessary changes or transformations on the org struct.

  3. After the change function is applied to the org, the resulting value is piped into the foreign_key_constraint function.

  4. The foreign_key_constraint function adds a foreign key constraint to the org struct. It is used to define a relationship between the org and the :action_pages table, where the org has a foreign key reference in the :action_pages table. This constraint ensures referential integrity, meaning that the org cannot be deleted if there are any associated records in the :action_pages table.

  • The :action_pages is the table name where the foreign key constraint is applied.
  • The name option is used to specify the name of the foreign key constraint. In this case, it is set to :action_pages_org_id_fkey.
  • The message option is used to provide a custom error message that will be shown if the foreign key constraint is violated. In this case, it is set to "has action pages".

The purpose of this code snippet is to build a changeset that verifies whether an organization (org) can be deleted based on the presence of associated records in the :action_pages table. If there are action pages associated with the organization, a foreign key constraint is added to prevent deletion and an error message is provided.

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get_by_id(id, preload \\ [])

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get_by_name(name, preload \\ [])

The code you provided defines a function called get_by_name in the Elixir programming language. This function takes two arguments: name and preload, with preload being an optional argument that defaults to an empty list.

Here's a breakdown of what the code does:

  1. The function calls the one function with the name argument and an options map that includes the preload argument.

  2. The one function is likely a part of a database querying library or framework, and its purpose is not shown in the provided code snippet. It is used here to retrieve a single record from the database based on the name value. The name could represent a unique identifier or a specific condition to filter the records.

  3. The preload option allows for eager-loading associations or related data in the returned record. The preload value, which is optional and defaults to an empty list, can be provided to specify which associations should be preloaded. Preloading associations is useful to avoid making additional database queries when accessing related data.

  4. The result of the one function, which represents a single record from the database based on the specified name, is returned by the get_by_name function.

In summary, the purpose of this code snippet is to provide a convenient wrapper function get_by_name that retrieves a single record from the database based on the provided name value. The optional preload argument allows for eager-loading specific associations.

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list(preloads \\ [])

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put_service(org, service)