Main concepts in Proca Server


Represents a single action done by supporter. Is the smallest action we track, it does not have parts.

It has a reference to a Supporter. The supporter is either newly created with the Action, or one of old Supporter records can be re-used.

Relevant modules: Proca.Action


Represents a Supporter. For a real person, multiple duplicated Supporter records can exist. They will all have the same contact reference (contact ref or just ref, also called fingerprint). The Supporter data is never changed, so we create a new Supporter instead of updating the old one. When fetching Supporter by the contact ref, the latest one will be returned.

Contact ref is associated with unique-ish information about the person, such as email, or national id, so a person with same email will have the same contact ref.

The personal data of Supporter is stored in separate Contact records, one per data-sharing party (Org).

Relevant modules: Proca.Supporter, Proca.Contact


Represents an Organization, Org for short. Org is a container for various resources in the system: campaigns, pages, contact data, users. If a particular real-world organisation benefits from breaking it down into two Org's, perhaps because they serve a different function, that can be done.

Relevant modules: Proca.Org, Proca.Staffer


Campaign represents an advocacy campaign and stores its name, texts, defines duration, and other characteristics.

Relevant modules: Proca.Campaign

Action Page

Action Page or Page for short represents a website page where a campaign widget is running. Action Page does not enforce that widget is not re-used on many pages, though for analytics purposes and flexibility it should be used on just single page. Page belongs to a Campaign (runs that campaign), and to Org (on that org's website).

Relevant modules: Proca.ActionPage

Users and Staffers

User holds credentials to access one or more org they are part of. Staffer is a record that specifies roles and permissions of user in particular org.

Relevant modules: Proca.Users.User, Proca.Staffer

Services and Backends

Services are remote SaaS/APIs that belong to particular Org and can be used by it. A service is best understood as some API. Eg. HTTP POST Webhook service, Mailjet service

When a Service is used for some goal, it's a Backend for that goal, usually specified as xxxxBackend. Eg. HTTP POST Webhook service can be used to push actions (and then it is used as pushBackend) or as supporter details lookup source (and then it is used as detailBackend). Mailjet Service can be used to send emails (emailBackend) or fetch email template names (templateBackend) (recently the emailBackend and templateBackend have been merged, but for a while they were separate, so theoretically you could fetch tempalte from SES and send the email into Mailjet...).

For some services, an org can use a special SYSTEM service for a backend, and this will use a service owned by instance org. This is a way of orgs to "borrow" a service from the instance org, and it seems to be mostly the default way orgs send emails (initially we wanted them to use their own email accounts).

Relevant modules: Proca.Service, Proca.Org